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Showing posts with the label motivation

Meditation Is An Easy Way to Heal the Mind

Many feel meditation is difficult and cannot go into deep meditation which can actually heal past hurts. This is because they lack concentration and focus. Also the lack of belief that there is a lot one can achieve by meditating. One of the key factors of spirituality (in fact any form of spirituality) is the power to meditate. Unlike common notion - it is not difficult to meditate if you have worked on the basics and have experienced the benefits. To meditate is to actually heal the mind and intellect which sometimes trespasses into negat

Benefits of Relaxation and Techniques

Being able to relax is an important part of everyone's life. When we are relaxed, we are nicer people. It's simple, we don't get irritable and we are friendlier people to be around. Aside from this, staying calm has other benefits including improved customer service, better performance at work, the ability to boost confidence and enhancing your general positive wellbeing. In the workplace, having calm, stress free staff will increase employee engagement an

Steps to Mend Your Broken Heart

So you have just had a break up recently and you're still not able to come to terms with your ex not being around you. I know how you feel it is a very difficult moment you are facing. Life is full of uncertainties and mending your broken heart is just the outcome of one of those unexpected changes life throws at you. It is though for you and very important to nurse your heart and be ready to face life and life in a real world; a world which your ex is not going to be a part of. You h

Take Time To Re-Kindle Your Energy

Take Time To Re-kindle Your Energy Our world has changed so dramatically. It's tough to cope with so many changes. Our bodies can wear out from running all the time. Our immune system suffers, and then our health. There are numerous ways to re-kindle our physical, emotional, spiritual and psychological energies. Seven of them are listed here: #1 Nutrition In a fast paced world, it's difficult to maintain a well-balanced diet. The most pressing problem is that the majority of us have been misled about what a 'well-balanced' diet really means. I turned to the vegan diet many years ago because I was convinced (and still am) that as the healthiest diet in the world it gives us great clarity about life and provides us with an enormous amount of energy. Such a blessing! It is also the most compassionate diet (animals are our friends, not our food, and they deserve to live too). The second issue is that our food is no longer as nutritious as it should be. Th

Major Issues In Relationships

There are so many issues in relationships. The most commons issues are problems like infidelity, jealousy, strife and the list goes on. When it comes to handling issues in relationships, you need to be prepared for the consequences. Therefore, when dealing with issues, you need to take time to look at the issues objectively and, you will find a solution. First, let is be clear on one thing, if you enter into relationships, issues are inevitable. This is not to say that relationships are bad but, it is to show the reality of relationships. Be bold to face any problem head on. The worse mistake people make is to think

How to Deal With Passive-Aggressive People

The trouble with passive-aggression is that both the giver and the receiver often have no idea what's really going on. In other words, the person who's passive-aggressive (P-A) may know he hates conflict, may know he's feeling a little angry and may know he's covering it up. But he doesn't register how rancorous he really feels. The person who's the object of the P-A's anger may never know what hit him because the rancor is well disguised. Consequently these incidents go largely unacknowledged for what they

How to Get Rid of Stress and Anxiety With One Simple Life Change

Approximately 8 out of 10 people in this planet have some sort of faith, religion, or belief in some kind of divine force, and/or supreme being(s). There are numerous religions, spiritual authorities, scriptures and interpretations of the divine and all of them seem to possess the power to intervene, in one way or another, in one's life. For the sake of this post, let's simply call this divine force/higher power, 'the Universe'. I think it is great for people to believe in something which surpasses their human existenc

How To Go Back To Work With Less Stress And More Brain Power

It's hard to go back to the rigor of work after the relaxed pace of summer. You have to give up junkie novels on the beach and barbecues for commuter traffic, power meetings and deadlines. This shift requires you to get you're A-game on, sharpen up your reflexes and perform at your best. It also means you feel more stress. But while this transition is tough, there are ways to make it easier. You can get back into the work mode with both more brain power and less stress if you follow these 4 tips: Boost Your Brain And Bust Stress With Exerci

How to Handle Stress in the Office

Are you worried about the unreasonable and immediate duedate that was given to you by your boss? Or are your boss given you a task that is not totally yours to do? Stuck in the middle of the road due of heavy traffic on the way to your office?Have an issue with your salary, when you are totally in need? Spend half of your day to finish a project only to realize you are wrong when you're finished? Basically these are the thing that you don't want to happen but is beyond your control, and will make you -- STRESSED. Scientifically speaking, stress is a reaction to a stimulus that disturbs our physical or mental equilibrium. When it Usually attack?

The Affair Aftermath - How to Salvage Your Marriage

Learning that your spouse had an affair is indeed painful and makes you feel victimized. It causes suffering not only for you but for your children as well. Trying to revive an affair-stricken marriage is one of the hardest things you will ever do. It takes courage on the part of the cheated spouse and time to heal the wounds caused by the affair. You will definitely need determination to save a marriage damaged by a third-party affair. Divorce is an option chosen by many but a few are still willing to take the risk and try to

Learn How To Reduce Your Stress Level

Do you ever wish you had a magic pill that could stop your stressed out feelings? Stress can be like an uncontrollable monster at times. We know stess is bad for our health, but sometimes we can't help getting sucked into the latest crisis at work or home. The following may provide some helpful pointers to get you back to a calm state. If you have a lot of stress in your life, plant a garden. This will give you something to look forward to every day and a hobby to get your mind off of the difficult things at w

Great Ways Of Destroying Stress Before It Affects You

Sometimes in life it just seems like nothing can go our way. Other times it seems as though the weight of the world has been put on our shoulders. Stress is nothing to sneeze at and yet we all deal with it. This article will show you some ways that you can reduce the amount of stress in your life. A great tip that can help you feel less stressed is to try and visualize calm in your mind. A

Recovering from a Breakup: 3 Tips That Helps

Being dumped can leave you feeling horrible pain. The morning rise and facing the day becomes a huge task that you really just don't feel like doing it. However, don't have stay in this depressed state. You can get back on your feet, recover from the breakup and get your life back by utilizing 3 simple things. First, think about the things you don't like about your self on the physical aspect. Do you feel overweight? Does your hair look bad? Are you losing the war on pimples? Use these things to

Reasons Why Breakup Happen: Why Men Pull Away From You

There are many reasons why breakups happen. You need to make a choice to do something about it and try to fix it before it becomes permanent. Breakups are known as a situation where life can be permanently altered thus making them very hard to handle. The feelings of loneliness and pain can cripple anyone. The worse thing about it is that you probably feel if you seen it coming, you might have been able to avert it. You may start looking at the situations on the reasons that could have caused the breakup. Though you may

Powerful Tips to Manage Daily Stressful Situations

Stress can often manifest when you carry over yesterday's concerns into your present day concerns. An accumulation will almost always end up in a high stress level. Therefore, you must be able to €drop€ all of your concerns from the previous days or weeks and concentrate on today, so here are 3 powerful tips to manage daily stressful situations: 1. Let Go Decide right now to release every thought from yesterday and be only mindful of the now€¦. this thought only€¦ this breath€¦ this moment. Take in three very deep breaths and slowly release each one. At the same time feel each and every feeling, each and every problem, and each and every unresolved moment will begin to dissolve. You can deal with them at a later time. For now, you are only in this very moment, acknowledging your thoughts and feelings. Now go to your inner quiet place. Go deep inside to a place where you feel that you are at peace and then just relax and breathe in deeply and enjoy the feelin

Rules to Reduce Workplace Stress by Increasing Your Productivity

We all wish we could be less stressed and more productive. There are many tactics you can employ; here are 25 you can try: Daily Goals: Make sure to set targets each day in advance Worst First: Deal with complicated tasks first instead of delaying these. Remember that even small victories can set tone for an ultimately productive day. Peak Times: Your peak cycles of productivity must be identified

Tips to Reduce Your Ego and Letting Go of Anger

A big ego can cause you to feel offended and angry easily. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce your ego to live a happy and peaceful life. Ego should not be mistaken for confidence. You should try to feel positive and confident, but not egoistic. It is important to know the difference. I've listed here a few useful tips that can help you reduce your ego, and lead a simple and productive life. 1. Take Things Easy Do not take the bad things in life too seriously. If someone offends you

Easy Steps - How to Meditate From Start to Finish

1. Before you get started Before you start, the first thing you need to do is take care of a few practicalities. When are you going to meditate each day? Where can you sit peacefully and undisturbed? How will you even remember to do it? Taking 10 minutes out each day shouldn't be so difficult, but for many people it is

Discover Your Passion: Do What You Love

Do you wake up in the morning looking forward to your work? If not, you're not alone. Many of us spend years doing the daily routine only to find that we wake up one day and realize that we're not happy. We went to college then got a great job because this is what we were supposed to do. It was an acceptable definition of success and we followed suit. Some of you were lucky enough to find what you loved early in life, get an education to support it and a job that pays you well. Congratulations for your early realization that doing what you love will reward you. For the rest of us who ma

Planning to Succeed

"Good plans shape good decisions. That's why good planning helps to make elusive dreams come true." --Lester R. Bittel, The Nine Master Keys of Management I'm often asked "how do I stay motivated toward making a change?" While there are a few things I recommend, it ALWAYS starts with having a plan. The best leaders have plans. The best sports coaches have a game plan. The mo